Nectar Marketplace has closed on January 22, 2024. However, you can still access Nectar leads, plus more via MediaAlpha for Agents, an easy to use, lead buying platform that connects you with high-intent consumers. Click here to get started. You can also email Questions? Visit our FAQs page!
Visit Our FAQs Page

Get Right to Work

Connect to leads today, instead of waiting around for new leads. Let Nectar save you time so that you can focus on your real work.

Make the most of your time

Set up your campaigns and sell right away

Connect with new leads on your timetable. You won’t waste any more time hunting for leads, because we send customers right to you.

Target the customers you want

Connect with shoppers in your market, today

Nectar pairs you up with leads in your area who are looking for the exact insurance products that you offer. Get started right away.

Manage your lead intake

Work to your own schedule and at the rhythm that suits you

With Nectar, you decide when you’re ready for fresh leads. Take charge of your timetable and win back control of your workload.

Work from anywhere

Say goodbye to the office, and hello to freedom

Work from your connected smartphone and take your leads mobile. Never miss a thing, no matter where in the world you find yourself today.

Make the most of your tools

Build on the services that work for you

The Nectar Marketplace works seamlessly with the tools and services you already have. You won’t need to change your workflow — you’ll just increase your available options.

Build your first campaign in just a few minutes

Nectar Marketplace makes it easy for you to create your campaigns, so you can reach leads searching for insurance you offer.

Define your own market

Pick a line of insurance products and sell it. Or create multiple campaigns and sell as many different kinds of insurance as you want. Just decide what works best for you, and we’ll help to match you with the right leads.

Sell what you like

You pick whatever products you’d like to sell, and we’ll help you find leads in your market.

Geo-target leads

Search for leads by geographical region. You can fine-tune your filters as much as you like.

Set your own schedule

Receive leads during the hours that suit you best.
Take control of your schedule and organize your time
in whatever way fits your needs.

Fresh leads delivered in the most convenient way

Use Nectar’s built-in shopper feed, or try integrating with one of our service partners. There are so many ways to connect with leads in your market.

Manage how many leads you receive

Set your workload and then adjust as needed. It’s easy to increase or decrease your lead intake to suit your changing needs. After all, you’re the boss.

Pay as you go

Nectar makes it easy to get leads at any budget. You can set a daily spending cap, and use auto-refill to top up your funds. Pay for what you need, at the price point that works for you.